Monday, January 21, 2008

Tea and Hotdogs

Yesterday afternoon, Rachelle, Steve, Mom, Dad & I snowshoed into the woods to check out the winter camping site from earlier this month. The four of them had the traditional wood and rawhide shoes, while I had to borrow one of the more modern pairs of Atlas snowshoes from a friend.

I like the old ones better. The new ones would collect snow with each step and fling it up when you walk, covering the back of your legs in snow, which would then melt, of course. I wasn't impressed, but it looked pretty funny with all that snow flying everywhere.

I made the mistake of assuming it was warmer out than it actually was. Despite it being sunny, the wind added to the already -10 temperature and made it pretty nippy. To keep warm once we got to the site, Steve and I lighted a fire, and I got a chance to try out my one of my homemade firestarters (more to come on this). It worked great. The wind blowing in off the nearby pond helped the fire and kept it going. Over the fire, we roasted some "spider dogs" and Mom made tea in a pot. Then, we walked back out. Great day in the outdoors!

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